


Go to and click on ‘Log in’ at the top right.

When you registered, you received a confirmation email containing your login details.


Do you no longer have your login details?

Then go to, click on ‘Log in’ and then select ‘forgot your password’.

Enter the email address you registered with. You will then receive an email with the sender WordPress.

The email contains a link with which you can set a new password yourself.

(Note: WordPress is sometimes seen as spam, so also check your spam box/advertising folder)


Can’t log in?

Do you have login details, but are you still unable to log in?

Then it may be that the browser you are trying to log in with remembers an old setting.

The problem often solves if you empty/delete the ‘cache’ (memory) of your browser. You do this in Settings. It varies per browser, but just search for ‘clear cache/cookies/memory’.


After logging in

After logging in, you ‘land’ on an overview page (the dashboard). There you can choose which program you want to go to.


Every program has a ‘home page’. On this page you will be welcomed, you can read an explanation of how the program works and from here you can go to all lessons of that program. You can do this via the menu bar at the top, or by clicking on the images of the lessons in the overview on this page.


Do you want to go all the way back to the beginning? Then click on Dashboard and you will return to the overview of all training courses.


“You don’t have access yet”

Do you come to a page where you see this message? Then this may be a page that you do not yet have access to, or you are not logged in yet. In that case, always check whether you are logged in correctly. Do you have any doubts about that? Then click on ‘Log out’ in the menu bar or on this link: Log out. And then log in all over again.


Log out

To ensure that you have no problems logging in next time, I recommend that you log out after each session.

You do this by clicking on ‘log out’ at the top of the menu bar.


Important extra tip

If you encounter technical problems, see if you can try it with another device.

Have you tried it with your smartphone and it doesn’t work? Then see if it works if you try it with a tablet or laptop.


To be able to follow the training


Your laptop, tablet or smartphone

Make sure the device you are using is updated and has the latest versions of apps and programs.


Internet connection

To log in you must have internet or WiFi.



During the training you will be offered workbooks. You can type notes in the workbook. But please note: you must first download and save the workbook. Then find the document on your device and reopen it from there. Now you can type your notes into it and if you save them now your notes will be preserved.


The workbook is always a PDF file. To open this you must have the Adobe Reader program on the device you want to open it with. If you do not have this program, you can download and install it for free here:



If something technically fails or does not work, you can always send a message via the contact page and we will try to help you as soon as possible.