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Shamanic Teachings

My time has come to share the wisdom and tools my shamanic teachers shared with me. We are the ones we have been waiting for and the time is now. To open up to and learn ancient tribal techniques will prepare you to overcome “obstacles” and let go of “unnecessary baggage”.
DIFFICULTY: Easy to Mediunm

Course Description

“As above, so below, as we are, so we grow.”

Everyone is born pure (there are always exceptions) and gifted with the ability to make use of universal ancient alchemy. 

Life itself forms us. When we proceed on our path of life, with awareness of this process, the voyage shows us what we have to learn and conquer. We are here for that adventure which directs and reveals our personal lessons to be learned. 

First of all, after we are born all the circumstances like the: family you were born in, cultural reality, social environment, geographical circumstances and economic financial stability have great effect on your ability to develop and become the person you want to be. So we grow, individually, like trees on their soil that adapt to their environment. In the soil there is a lot going on like: microbiota, fungi systems, insects and worms etc. Humanity is connected to these systems which deliver all the nutrition we need to. Everything is there for nutritious supplies. We share this earth with thousands of other species and everyone of them has a purpose in this environment to make Mother Earth provide for all. 

Ancient tribes all over the world were very aware of the concept, that we are a part of a much bigger reality that even exceeds our planet. We are all connected to everyone and everything around us. This ancient tribal knowledge was hidden for decades. During the development of our modern society, especially in the ‘west’, we got disconnected from our natural self, our natural habitat and that ancient knowledge.

A few decades ago, some of the ancient tribes from various locations the world recognized the signs of their ancient prophecies, that it’s time to share their knowledge with humanity. The righteous: Shamans, healers, wisdom keepers with their methods are not accepted in their modernized countries. A lot of the regions where the ancient teachers still exist are poor and undeveloped. While other regions in those countries are very modern, there is a huge gap in financial wealth and development. They will have to find a new balance between the old and the new with mutual respect. 

Meanwhile the teachers are traveling all over the world to find people like us, who are open and interested in their knowledge. In the western world we need it the most, to reconnect first with the self and then with Mother Earth with all her species and the Universe. This course will help you to re-connect with yourself and your own natural flow. You will learn how to heal yourself and if you want, heal others. It is divided within the four seasons and four wind directions with common and personal totems and spirit helpers.

My time has come to share the ancient wisdom and tools that the teachers shared with me. The time is now, we are the ones we have been waiting for. I grant everyone the joy of life with a method to overcome ‘obstacles’ and dispose of ‘unnecessary baggage’. Everybody can learn to embrace their journey with love to truly enjoy life and positively influence their reality.

“Enjoy the journey, and you will find your destination.”