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Chakra Yoga

Chakra Yoga is the first step to align all the chakra's before entering the shamanic teachings. It contains 8 lessons from easy to medium difficulty. Every lesson concentrates on a specific chakra with Yoga positions to energize that chakra for an undisturbed flow of energy.
DIFFICULTY: Easy to Mediunm

Course Description

I would like to give you a warm welcome for participating with our 8 chakra yoga program!

I have practiced Buddhism and meditation since 2005 and in combination with the teachings of Celtic Druidism and Peruvian shamanism, I learned to connect my chakra’s for a positive energy flow. During these exercises my 8 chakra Yoga-program developed almost by itself. Shamanism and Buddhism although very distant in location share the knowledge of chakra’s and the energy or light body. Chakra Yoga is the first step to get in touch with all the chakra’s before starting the shamanic teachings.

First of all, I am not a certified yoga teacher. I have practiced Yoga for about a decade at yoga schools with certified teachers.  Yoga is the way for me to really create awareness of my physical body. With techniques like meditation and breathing you can really get in touch and connect your physical and light body.

The level of these yoga lessons is for everyone and all ages. You can experience new layers of capabilities within the physical exercises combined with meditation. Breathing techniques will help you to stretch further than you expect. The trick is to breathe to the stretched part of your body and on exhale to make that stretch feel soft, this will help to stretch further than expected.

We go through the 7 chakra’s lessons extended with an 8th chakra (in some philosophies there are many more). The lessons include a guided meditation to create an utmost relaxation for the yoga poses. You learn the basics of these techniques and why these exercises fit to a certain chakra.

First make sure that you’re not going to be disturbed for 45 minutes. Create a comfortable private place, bring some water or chai for afterwards. A yoga mat and maybe a blanket, loose comfortable clothes and a meditation cushion if you have or need one.

In the mindset it’s important to know that yoga is not a competition. We always emphasize to be kind to yourself. Yoga is a personal method for more flexibility, strength and contact with your physical body. The good thing is, if you feel stronger and more flexible, automatically your cells ask for more of that healthy attention.

About breathing, we have special bonus workshops about that subject! If you want to know more about that, check our website or subscribe for our free online magazine for more information. For now, let’s start with the Yoga Chakra lesson.