The mission of our company is to share ancient knowledge which has been kept in the dark for way too long. We created this online platform for online courses and training for mainly Shamanism that is supported by techniques like: meditation, self-reflection, spiritual healings, gatherings, women empowerment, lifestyle and a little yoga.

The earliest proof of Shamanism found is the undisputed burial of a Shaman, which dates back to the early upper Paleolithic era, about 30.000 years ago in what is now the Czech Republic. There are even scholars who propose that it dates back 65,000 years. The modern English word ‘Shaman’ is by some scholars rooted in the Tungus root sā- (which means ‘to know’) and by others scholars rooted to the Sanskrit word sramana (which means ‘Holy figure’). Concluding we could say we don’t really know and there are only thesis about the root. What we do know is that Shamanism has been practiced worldwide by many civilizations, tribes and hunter-gatherer communities. There are, because it is so widespread, many different practices of Shamanism, but interestingly they all have things in common. If you would like to now more of these origins, there are thousands of books, websites, etc. to find.

We focus on the practicing of spirituality through Peruvian, Celtic, Buddhist and Native American shamanism. It all comes down to explore and understand the self, to align the ‘mind, body & soul’ with natural Earth energy for consciousness/awareness of your being. This will motivate and inspire a balanced lifestyle and empowers the resilience of your existence. We welcome everyone to our website… namasté and enjoy!


I lived a fairly happy life in Lelystad, the Netherlands, together with my husband, my son and our dog Marley. I always felt a need for personal growth and development. There I learned to connect with nature, my community and my inner self by exploring the values and tools of ancient knowledge. These tools supported me in the ‘School of Life’, and I became the happy person that I am today. So now I’d like to share my knowledge with everyone who feels similar urges for personal development. My path of awareness went shortly like this: At the age of 35 I realized there was more than meets the eye. I started searching for this ‘more’ at a Buddhist Temple in Hantum, Friesland, the Netherlands. After some time I became part of a Sangha (group of students in Tibetan Buddhism) and received my Buddhist name: Zangmo Karma Deleg. Zangmo is the feminine half opposite of the male half Zangpo, together they are the primordial Buddha Samantabhadra and represent Self-awareness and Source of the self. Sadly my teacher died of old age in 2014. Nobody knew his real age, not even himself. I am grateful for the knowledge he shared. Then out of nowhere, I got a ‘call’ from a Goddesses Sisterhood community to go to Glastonbury (Avalon) England. I went deep into the flow of this sisterhood and got initiated as a Goddess Priest. The mixture of ceremonies filled with: self-exploration, meditation and initiations was such a revelation. This led from one thing to another.I started practicing Peruvian Shamanism in 2012 and completed the Shamanic Healing Techniques and the Medicine-wheel in 2018. The wheel always keeps spinning though and that’s the reason why, I call my self a Shamanic Practitioner. The process of learning never stops and that’s why it’s called the school of life. In 2020 I got the ‘call’ of plant medicine (phytotherapy) by taking a course in Alchemistic Spagyric and became a Pre-scriber of herbal complexes. Phytotherapy and ancient alchemistic knowledge always interested me and are an enrichment to my life. Together with the energetic training of the body, mind and soul, I found my inspiration for our courses, healings and workshops. 

Now I live my Tanzanian life, with the help and blessings of my husband Erwin, in which I combine all these practices to create courses, personal guidance and gatherings to share my teachings. Practicing Shamanism connects me to all the layers of my adventurous life! 

‘Matu’ is derived from ‘Ma’at’ the name of the Egyptian Goddess of Justice. I proudly named my Dutch consulting Company MaTu and now our Tanzanian company is called ‘Matu Amani’. The name “Amani” kept going around in my head. I found out that it means, “Peace” in Swahili. So lets walk together, peacefully and in beauty.


I have a background in audiovisual facilities for television productions, lighting technique for film, logistics, catering, festival organization, roady for a punk band, musician myself, house maintenance, lifeguard etc. etc. Besides that I was partly owner of a club in Lelystad, called the Cult and later rebranded as House of Rock for which I did the marketing & technical maintenance. The Cult/House of Rock was a place for all music varieties. We had nationwide fame for our monthly Drum n’ Bass parties and in our own town for the best jam-sessions. As a musician I played: grunge, funk-rock, blues-rock, soul, pop and my favorite reggae & dub. I have always adored world music with a special place for African music. My knowledge and experience in spirituality mostly comes from working with frequency and energy as a musician. You can recognize that from the energy levels reached by musicians and fans/public at live performances. That is very powerful.

In my relationship with Miranda I participated in various retreats, ceremonies and spiritual festivals. Which made me understand fully, how effective it is to become aware of your spiritual being and share that with others for mutual energy work.

With this background I am responsible for the technical aspect of our company. For Matu-Amani I collect all the background information and perform the final editing, English translations for the Magazine & website. For the online movies and vlogs, I am responsible for the sound, light & video recordings. The scripts and texts are developed and redacted by us both.

Because I was born in Ethiopia, I always had a special place in my heart for Africa. Growing up in Ethiopia, Ivory Coast and Libya was pretty normal for me as a kid. But now I understand that it was a great way to grow up and maybe even a privilege. In The Netherlands I was also fairly happy, but there was always something missing. This made me and Miranda explore different countries like: Spain, Hungary, the Gambia, Zanzibar and eventually Tanzania mainland. After years of searching for a place outside of the Netherlands where we could live & work, I convinced Miranda that we would find that place in one of the most beautiful and fairly sovereign countries of Africa, Tanzania. A land of great opportunities.